
When in parametric mode (set parametric) mathematical expressions must be given in pairs for plot and in triplets for splot:
        plot sin(t),t**2
        splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u)

Data files are plotted as before, except any preceding parametric function must be fully specified before a data file is given as a plot. In other words, the x parametric function (sin(t) above) and the y parametric function (t**2 above) must not be interrupted with any modifiers or data functions; doing so will generate a syntax error stating that the parametric function is not fully specified.

Ranges take on a different meaning when in parametric mode. The first range on the plot command is the trange, the next is the xrange, and the last is the yrange. For splot the order is urange, vrange, xrange, yrange, and finally zrange. The following plot command shows setting the trange to [-pi:pi], the xrange to [-1.3:1.3] and the yrange to [-1:1] for the duration of the plot:

        plot [-pi:pi] [-1.3:1.3] [-1:1] sin(t),t**2

Other modifiers, such as with and title, may be specified only after the parametric function has been completed:

        plot sin(t),t**2 title 'Parametric example' with linespoints